As the First Fruit Haiti mission trip leadership team we are excited to announce our next mission trip! The dates of the trip are July 27th through August 6th, 2018. On this trip there will be a mixture of service opportunities as well as visiting other ministries and tourist sites in Haiti. Some of the service opportunities include putting on a VBS for children, training leaders for children’s ministry and working with youth. If sufficient funds are raised, there is also the possibility of working on construction as well.
We are looking for a team of around 15 people to participate in this trip, each of 21 years or older (unless they are with somebody older than them). The overall in Haiti cost per participant is $745, or a discounted cost of $650 for college students, and everyone is responsible for booking their own flights to and from the Port-au-Prince airport. This cost helps cover the guesthouse fee, meals, beach day, and transportation. Here we have the tentative schedule and everyone that is interested in coming needs to fill out and turn in the mission trip application form found below.